Wednesday, 4 June 2014

How Males Communicate


Have you ever gone on YouTube and got an ad during a video, well guess what, a lot of those advertisements use gender talk to appeal to customers. In these commercials you can see a very clear example of gender talk and gender tension being used and always ending with "men should act like men" showing a set way in which males 'should' act. By observing these you can see some examples of gender tension and how men are perceived to act as well as how they might communicate among each other at work.

Using these advertisements, some male communication methods are seen:
  • Boisterous
  • Assertive
  • Talk over each other
All these attributes are prevalent in each advertisement, and show males talk. Now the question is did you notice the gender tension in these advertisements. When you look at these advertisements they all have certain similarities;

  • men are working on something, 
  • loud talk 
  • one man is in-charge and explaining to the rest
Due to these certain authoritative habits gender theorists believe that men are more likely to achieve higher ranked positions.

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